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Originally delivered on 8/19/2024 2:05 pm


Welcome to a new school year!

Hello, and welcome back to a new school year at Henry Ford! We are excited to have your student with us this year, and we welcome your family into our school community! 

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) supports Henry Ford in many ways. Events such as our annual Fall Fiesta and Pasta Dinner bring the community together, and also raise money.  Every cent we earn helps to fund programs like Gardening and PE.  We also coordinate parent-led classes such as Art-In-Action and Project Cornerstone.  We encourage all parents and guardians to help out in any way you can, no experience is necessary!

Please check out our website, for more information on upcoming events, and how to get involved at our school.

Encourage other families to sign up for our newsletter!  There are two ways to be added to the newsletter list:  

1) Create an account through Membership Toolkit.  This will allow you to easily purchase tickets to our events as well.  

2) Email

Reminders & Upcoming Events

Friday 8/23 3-8pm: First Dine-Out event at Chuck E' Cheese.  A percentage of the proceeds is donated back to the PTA.  Skip the dinner prep, enjoy a night out, AND earn $$ for our school!

Tuesday 9/10 @ 6:30pm: Ice Cream Social and 1st PTA meeting (7pm, in-person!)

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