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Originally delivered on 8/26/2024 8:38 am


PTA Newsletter -- August 26
Reminders & Upcoming Events
School Site Council (SSC)

Want to help our school but have limited time?  Consider joining the School Site Council (SSC)!   We need TWO parents!

The SSC is a group of teachers and parents that develops, reviews and evaluates school improvement programs and budgets.  Members serve a 2-year term and attend a one-hour monthly online meeting.  Contact Principal Knopf if interested.

First meeting on Tuesday Aug 27 @ 4pm.  

Link to Google Meet.   Link to Agenda

Dad's Club

First Dad's Club meeting of the year, at Dasbierhauz in downtown RWC (130 Middlefield Rd).  Come enjoy some food and drink, and learn about how to get involved!  For more info, email

Thursday Aug 29, 7-8:30pm

Labor Day -- NO SCHOOL

Enjoy the long weekend!

Monday, Sept 2

Ice Cream Social & PTA Meeting

Come enjoy ice cream and toppings, meet old and new friends, and then stay for the first PTA meeting of the school year!

Tuesday Sept 10 @ 6:30pm, on campus near the Staff Room.

Back to School Night

Meet your teacher, check out your child's classroom, and hang out with old and new friends!  

Thursday Sept 12 @ 5pm

Don't forget...

To bookmark our PTA website and subscribe to this newsletter.

 There are two ways to be added to the newsletter list:  

1) Create an account through Membership Toolkit.  This will also allow you to easily purchase tickets to future events.

2) Email

Parents WhatsApp group

Join the parents WhatsApp group!  It's a great way to stay in the loop with other parents, be reminded of events and join in our wonderful community! 


Get Involved!

Participation at our school is strongly encouraged but 100% voluntary. We welcome everyone to pitch in however they're able.  We have in-class opportunities, such as Art-in-Action and Project Cornerstone, where you can help in your child's classroom.   And we always need volunteers for specific events throughout the year, such as our Fall Fiesta, Family Dance, and Pasta Dinner!   

Check out our website for more information about volunteer opportunities, and email and tell us how you want to help!

Meet our PTA officers for the 2024-25 school year.

  • President: Sheena Wilton
  • Vice President: George Rodriguez
  • Treasurer: Mimi Turner
  • Secretary: Susan Bouchard

We still have some PTA leadership and coordinator positions that need to be filled. 
You can share the position with a friend. Reach out to for more information. 

  • Yearbook (at least 2 parents)
  • Newsletter and Website 
  • Direct Donations 
  • Fall Fiesta Coordinator (event in the fall) 
  • Family Dance Coordinator (event in the spring)
Direct Donation Drive

Our Direct Donation Drive starts NOW!

The PTA funds many programs that our children benefit from every day, and we need your support.  Programs such as PE, music, art, field trips, and so much more are funded through the PTA.  

Any donation amount is appreciated to meet our funding goals for the school year -- no donation amount is too small! All donations are tax deductible.  


Ways to donate:

ONLINE via Credit Card:   Click HERE

IN-PERSON:   Make checks out to Henry Ford PTA. Cash and Check donations can be delivered to the school office addressed to "PTA Direct Donations".

CORPORATE GIFT MATCHING: Don't forget corporate gift matching!  Please email if you plan to submit your donation for matching.  If you don't know if your company matches, just ask! 

Art in Action

For those that don't know, all students at Henry Ford are afforded the opportunity to participate in art lessons above and beyond what their teachers provide. These lessons are taught by amazing parents like you! All you need is a few hours once a month and enthusiasm. All the rest is provided including the lessons and masterpiece information.  Please email if you are interested in helping out in your child's class.  Many of the classes have helpers already but the more the merrier. And for those whose children are in the following classes please consider volunteering as these currently don't have any volunteers.

Mrs. B.  Ms. Bondoc.  Ms. Linares.   Mrs. Ligon.  Ms. Steinzeig.   Ms. Thomas

15mph School Zone
The City of Redwood City is implementing a new pilot program aimed at enhancing student safety in school zones. Beginning in late August, drivers will be required to adhere to a 15 mile per hour speed limit in designated school zones at Henry Ford Elementary School and Roosevelt Elementary School.

It has been proven that reducing speed limits in school zones can significantly decrease the likelihood of accidents and improve overall safety for children commnuting to and from school. By implenting this 15 MPH pilot program, we are taking a proactive step towards creating a safer environment for our young students.

Check out this website for more information.

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