Welcome to the Henry Ford Elementary School PTA, in Redwood City, CA!

See below for upcoming events and important announcements.







Hello Henry Ford families! Thank you for checking out our PTA website! 


As we wrap up this 2023-24 school year, we will continue to work to support the learning experiences of all Henry Ford students. We are eager to engage with a diverse and mighty community of volunteers to serve students through our various PTA supported programs. 


Be sure to check back regularly for updates and events.


reminders & upcoming events 


Be sure to read the latest Principal's Mustang Gazette.


First day of school is August 14!!



We are working on revamping our PTA newsletter... stay tuned! 


PTA positions for 2024-2025 School Year

 Congratulations to our PTA officers for the 2024-25 school year!
  • President: Sheena Wilton
  • Vice President: George Rodriguez
  • Treasurer: Mimi Turner
  • Secretary: Susan Bouchard


PTA leadership and coordinator positions need to be filled. You can share the position with a friend.  If you see a role you’re interested in, reach out to officers@henryfordpta.org to secure your spot or to  get more information.
Open positions:

  • Yearbook (at least 2 parents)  
  • Newsletter  
  • Project Cornerstone (co-leader) 
  • Garden  
  • Staff Appreciation 
  • Direct Donations 
  • Fall Fiesta Coordinator (event in the fall) 
  • Family Dance Coordinator (event in the spring)


Incoming Kennedy Middle School Families!

Calling all incoming 6th grade Kennedy parents! As you and your student transition to middle school, there are lots of opportunities to be involved with the Kennedy community. The KMS PTO is an organization of parents, teachers and staff working together to enrich and improve our students' middle school experience. The PTO is open to all and you are automatically a member - no dues necessary. Your voice matters in shaping our school's priorities, culture and success! 
The PTO is responsible for raising and administering funds that directly support all our amazing elective programs: Drama, Music, Art and STEAM. Simply put, these programs wouldn't be as robust without PTO funding. We also host community events, teacher and staff appreciation days, and assist with procuring classroom supplies. 
There are open PTO leadership positions for next school year. Consider joining our dedicated team in any of the following roles: PTO Secretary, Teacher and Staff Appreciation committee Student Celebrations committee, Fundraising committee and more! Reach out to info@kennedycougarspto.org for more information.
¡Llamando a todos los padres Kennedy entrantes al sexto grado! A medida que usted y su estudiante hacen la transición a la escuela intermedia, existen muchas oportunidades para participar en la comunidad de Kennedy. El PTO de KMS es una organización de padres, maestros y personal que trabajan juntos para enriquecer y mejorar la experiencia de nuestros estudiantes en la escuela intermedia. El PTO está abierto a todos y usted es automáticamente miembro, sin necesidad de pagar cuotas. ¡Su voz es importante para dar forma a las prioridades, la cultura y el éxito de nuestra escuela!

El PTO es responsable de recaudar y administrar fondos que apoyan directamente todos nuestros increíbles programas electivos: Drama, Música, Arte y STEAM. En pocas palabras, estos programas no serían tan sólidos sin los fondos del PTO. También organizamos eventos comunitarios, días de agradecimiento a los maestros y al personal, y ayudamos con la adquisición de útiles escolares.

Hay puestos de liderazgo abiertos en el PTO para el próximo año escolar. Considere unirse a nuestro equipo dedicado en cualquiera de los siguientes roles: Secretario del PTO, Comité de apreciación de maestros y personal, Comité de celebraciones estudiantiles, Comité de recaudación de fondos ¡y más! Comuníquese con info@kennedycougarspto.org para obtener más información.




Donate today and help fully fund programs at Henry Ford!


Consider making a tax-deductible donation. Any amount is gratefully appreciated and will make a difference.  





Yearbook Reminders 



Don't forget to pre-order your 2023-24 Yearbook!  Click HERE to order. 


Passcode to HF 2023-24 yearbook: 101456358697603 (incorporated into the link above)


If you want to get involved with the yearbook or Yearbook Club, contact yearbook@henryfordpta.org



Have you created your parent account with Class Dojo?


This is going to be the main form of communication with the School! Don’t miss out on great updates from your teachers, Principal Knopf, photos, and upcoming fun activities.

If you haven’t received an invitation with the class code, please reach out to your teacher. General school information and classroom messages and updates are sent out via Class Dojo on a regular basis. 


Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Nextdoor.