

Participation at our school is strongly encouraged but 100% voluntary. We welcome everyone to pitch in however they're able.  We have in-class opportunities, such as Art-in-Action and Project Cornerstone, where you can help in your child's classroom.   And we always need volunteers for specific events throughout the year, such as our Fall Fiesta, Fall Fundraiser, and Pasta Dinner!   


See below for more information about volunteer opportunities, and also check out our 'Events' page to find out about upcoming events which always need support!  If you'd like to find out more about volunteer opportunities that fit your schedule and skills, please email us at volunteer@henryfordpta.org.





Benefits in Volunteering

  • Flexibility for you to help your child's school. There are many ways to help whether it's on campus or at home, during the day, evening or weekend. One hour makes a difference.

  • Network with other parents by working and having fun alongside them. You just might meet your new best friend, a carpool partner, or the lead on a new job. Join us!

  • Make a difference fundraising, helping in the classroom, and engaging the community. Parents like you make these programs possible. 

  • Your kids love it! Our children are at a wonderful age where they want to see their parents helping at school. And the other children love it too. You'll become a friendly, familiar face in the hallway and the hi's will warm your heart.

Become a PTA member


As a PTA member you have voting rights to approve budgets and decide board leadership. Membership dues also help pay for our insurance and other filing fees to remain a non-profit organization. Annual membership is only $10 ($15 for a family). Please consider signing-up for or renewing your PTA Membership. Being a PTA member is not required to volunteer but it does help when every dollar counts.



Volunteers Applications through RCSD


We always welcome volunteers in the classroom!  This includes helping out with Art in Action, Project Cornerstone, helping out in Makerspace, and chaperoning field trips. 


In keeping with RCSD protocols, there are some requirements, including TB test/questionnaire, government-issued ID, and proof of COVID vaccination. 


See HERE for instructions, and see you on campus!!




In-Class Volunteer Opportunities


Art in Action 

Coordinator: Audrey Moore

Needs: Parent Volunteers (training and materials provided)

Sign-up: Email aia@henryfordpta.org

Website: https://teach.artinaction.org/


Check out this video about Art in Action



Art in Action is our school's art program, dependent on parent volunteers to provide art instruction in the classrooms. Students learn art appreciation, history and techniques through discussion and hands-on monthly lessons. Typically taught by classroom parent volunteers (and in some cases teachers) Art in Action curriculum is fun to learn and easy to teach, even for non-artists. Curriculum books provide detailed, step-by-step directions for guiding successful discussions and projects, while still allowing the flexibility to ensure that the program will complement any classroom environment. Parent volunteers are provided training and materials to lead successful monthly lessons.


In some of our 2020 online lessons, Kinder and 1st grade students learned about Byzantine Mosaics and applied the technique to simple shapes.  4th graders studied Faith Ringgold and created their own quilt art.


Art in Action first lesson 2020



Project Cornerstone 


Needs: Parent Volunteers (training and materials provided)

Sign-up: Email pchenryford@gmail.com



In Project Cornerstone’s Asset Building Champions (ABC) program, parent volunteers read specially selected stories and lead classroom activities & discussions about building appropriate social skills.  The lessons focus on values like honesty, responsibility, and peaceful conflict resolution.  Special attention is given to issues like student-to-student, dealing with bully behaviors, and social conflicts. Each month a school-wide book is read in every classroom. The book and discussion teach life skills and tools; ABC gives students a safe and caring place to talk about their feelings, experiences and concerns. The goal of the ABC program is to teach our children skills that they can use today and throughout their lives to help them deal with peer pressure, building and keeping friendships, making healthy decisions, and solving problems. By sharing these concepts in class, ABC gives our entire school community, from principal to student, a shared vocabulary and collective strategies for dealing with difficult situations both in school and out. We are so fortunate at Henry Ford to have this program available to our children; however, we could not do it without the support of you, the parents. Volunteers are provided training and materials to lead successful monthly lessons.




Coordinator: Becky Foutch

Needs: Volunteer with your child's STEAM class or a STEAM Night Event.  

Sign-up: To volunteer or donate materials, email rfoutch@rcsdk8.net




The Makerspace is an expansion of the STEAM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Math) opportunities that teachers provide in their classrooms.  The space cultivates creative ways for students to design, experiment, build and invent as they engage in science, engineering, art and tinkering. Our school has worked hard to expand STEAM programs knowing they provide opportunities for critical thinking, problem-solving, independence, agency and cooperative learning. 



Our Garden 

Our students are lucky to have time in the garden, with a specialized garden teacher from Each Green Corner. 

Garden clean-up days are scheduled every month, on the last Saturday of each month, from 9a-12p.  


If you want to help out with the garden, email garden@henryfordpta.org.






Work with students on site words and reading fluency to build their confidence with reading. Talk to your child's teacher about helping in the classroom.



Field Trip Chaperones


Go on learning adventures with our students. Your child's teacher will provide parents with chaperone opportunities.



Event Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteers are needed for PTA events throughout the year.  See our 'Events' page for more details about these events. 

We always love new voices and ideas! If you have an idea for an event, please email us at volunteer@henryfordpta.org



pasta dinner & fundraiser

Seems far away, but it's always best to start planning early!


Our biggest event held each Spring on campus, Pasta Dinner brings together the entire school community for a fun night of carnival games, food, raffle drawings, plus an online auction. 


May 16 2025

Needs: Dinner Committee helpers, Auction Committee Helpers, Basket Raffle Helpers, Carnival Set-up, Clean-up, Game Helpers

Sign-up:  Email volunteer@henryfordpta.org


Fall Fiesta

The Fall Fiesta is held on campus in the fall.  Highlights include carnival games, bake sale and food trucks!



Needs: Set-up, Clean-up, Game Helpers, Bake Sale and Popcorn Helpers, Bake Sale donations

Sign-up: Email vounteer@henryfordpta.org


Fall Fundraiser

Buy gifts and treats, just in time for the holidays, while earning money for our school!  Plus, students can earn fun prizes for selling!


Dates TBD

Coordinator: Jamie Brown

Needs: Sort and deliver purchases to classrooms

Sign-up: No volunteers needed this time but take a look if there is another event in need of volunteers


Hometown holidays parade

In December, Redwood City hosts a holiday parade through the streets of downtown Redwood City.  Henry Ford always loves to show off our Mustang pride!


Early December -- downtown Redwood City

Coordinator: Dad's Club


Family dance

February 2025

Coordinator: Open position, email volunteer@henryfordpta.org to find out more

Needs: Set-up, Clean-up

Sign-up: Coming soon...


scholastic book fair

Children, parents and teachers LOVE this on-campus book fair!   Find new books to read and help replenish our teachers' collections, all in our own school library!


Coordinator: Open position, email volunteer@henryfordpta.org to find out more

Needs: Set-up, Breakdown, Cashiers, Door Checkers 

Sign-up: Coming soon... 


Campout & Movie Night

Our inaugural Campout and Movie Night in June 2024, hosted by the Dad's Club, was a huge success!  

Contact the Dad's Club to help make this an annual tradition at our school!